Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Month Two: In Conclusion

I think I'm learning a bit more about proper pacing for this project. Or at least how I'd like to pace things, which is slow & easy, and spread out thru the month. I did the equivalent of a last-minute cramming session in the past week, and while it was fun & educational, I would've liked to have spent more time with the casual learning, and less time feeling "oh god, I need to catch up." Because really, who wants that? (Not me.)

That being said, I loved loved loved Peter Ackroyd's J.M.W. Turner. (The "smaller book" if you've followed my posts.) A little book, but so thorough! In the space of a few days I learned so much, and had a fabulous time reading it over beers at Commonwealth. I finished the book last night, then came home and finally rewatched the Simon Schama Power of Art episode. Nice stuff! A great one-two punch of art education.

I have a feeling my love for Joseph Mallord William Turner will grow faster & stronger than my love for Yoko Ono. Which is, I suppose, as it should be.

This has been an amazing month of learning. Below is a quote from Ackroyd's "Turner" book that I added to Goodreads tonight, because it made me smile so much when I first read it.

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